YEAR LESSON 2010 – 2011
Lesson : English
Class/Program : XII (Tweleve)/Acceleration
Date/Month : Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Time : 08.00 – 10.00 WIB
Answer the appropriate explanation you have for these questions below!
1. Look at the view of Lung photo below!
a. Does it work to pump the Oxygen become the carbon dioxide?
b. Where does it precisely put in our body?
c. What does it relate with the blood?
2. The Amount of rate Geometry’s series is 9, while amount of the odd series is 5
so the first rate series is ….
3. In the following one underlined part is incorrect. Choose the incorrect part
and repair it.
I. In different of the English-speaking world,
female speakers have been found to use forms (a)considered
to be ‘better’ or more ‘correct’ than those used by men (b). Why should this be? As far as English-speaking societies are concerned, we can make
intelligent guesses in the following lines (c). Sociological studies have demonstrated that women in our society are, generally speaking, more status-conscious than men. For this reason, they will be
more sensitive to the social significance (d)of social-class related linguistic variable such as multiple negation.
II. The developmental psychologist Karen Wynn has recently shown that
five months-old babies can do a simple form of mental arithmetic (a).
She used a technique common in infant perception research (b). Show a baby a bunch of objects long enough, and
the baby gets bored and looks away (c); change the scene, and if the baby notices the difference, he or she will regain interest. The methodology has shown that
babies as young as five days old are sensitive to number(d). B. Please describe in your English for the picture below and answer some questions chained with the picture.

Picture I
Picture 2
1. What is the difference for both pictures?
2. How do you find the appropriate titles for both according to your describing?