1. Pay attention to the advertisement below and please analyze it in a paragraph by using the guidance asking such below!
2. This is a conversation between an old woman and a young man in the foyer of a hotel. Begin your piece of writing with the words, “I overheard a man talking to an old woman … he came in and …”
(change those conversation below into indirect as you need for fulfilling the paragraph which is begun from the words in those quotation above).
Man : Excuse me. Are you sure the nine-sixteen is still only for Paris?
Woman : I’m afraid so, sir. Next year they are going to start an air-service three times a
week, but in meanwhile… Here’s your key.
Man : I’m not going up thanks. Could you call Paris? The number’s 89-26.
Woman : Certainly, sir … 89-26 … it’ll be through in five minutes… yes. Ah… there’s also
a telegram for you!
Man : Yes, I was quite expecting it. Keep it here for me for the moment. (pause) Has
this place changed much in the last few years… I mean, who owns it now?
Woman : Don’t really know … the Esters?
Man : No- not the Esters. You don’t know then?
Woman : I’m afraid not.
Jatinangor, 22ndJuni 2009
University of Westminster
Scholarship Office
32-38 Wells Street
London W1T 3UW
Phone: +44(0) 20 7911 5000 ext 2349/2338
Dear Sir/Madam,
I read in your advertisement about scholarship seminar for Nutrition Emergency in your university, especially people for developed country. I live in Rancaekek Bandung West Java Indonesia and work in Sumedang as an English teacher in Al Ma’soem Senior High School. All the time, I work with many teenagers who don’t know what important some nutrition for their life. When they take a rest in their school, I look at them to eat some junk-foods which have no much nutrition and too much MSG. There was a student’s research that said what I told above. Because of that, I must try to find many things in order to spread out my opinion about some junk-foods they eat from our canteen. My official manager in Al Ma’soem foundation also gives a speech informally to the shopkeeper who sells some meals such junk-foods in order to make healthy food for our students. Practically they are still selling the junk-foods which have cheap range for cost as his/her benefit to feed his/her family.
I’m so interested in applying my letter to follow the activity because I think it’s so important to me for enhancing my student opinion to choose their best thing for themselves. I must be able to influence them in order that they can live and save their health for future. If my institution cannot be obeyed by the peddlers and shopkeepers whereas me as a teacher only, I think the best way I can be able to do for helping my students that I must have a lot of knowledge about Nutrition first then how to apply in my field as a teacher is that I can influence my student to choose the best thing for his life without eating the worst one for his meals in school. I wish I could.
If I got your scholarship for the seminar, I would have tried to enhance my student’s capability to choose the best one they need in their future especially for their staying health. It’s the honorable award through me to fulfill your invitation. I wish I luck.
Therefore I'm here with my curriculum vitae and some documents to this application letter. I would be pleasure if you invite me on this seminar and I would practice what I got there after coming back soon so that my students can feel better to learn their study for their developing country.
Your sincerely,
Sopiana Ariandini, S.S.
N a m e : Sopiana Ariandini, S.S.
Date of the Birth : Jakarta, 27th May 1975
Address : Perum Abdi Negara Blok F. No.2 Rt.04/Rw.27 Rancaekek Wetan.
Education Histories :
1. Under-Graduate in English Department of Nasional University Jakarta
2. Teaching Certificate from STKIP Sumedang West Java.
Informal educational Histories:
1. Accelerated Workshop for Mathematics, Science, English and Indonesian Teachers; Taruna Bakti Junior High School join with SubDin Pendidikan Luar Biasa West-Java Province.
3. Accelerated Workshop for Managerial Leaders; SubDin Pendidikan Luar Biasa West-Java Province.
a. Where is the writer applying for the scholarship letter?
b. How do the first, second, third and fourth paragraphs talk about?
c. What kind of documents does the writer herewith?
d. What for does the curriculum herewith in the application letter?