Trisnamayanti, S.S.
education, an important part among other is pupils, teachers, organizer, management
and government. They live in near or far away from their school. So many obstacles
come in the school on time in each year. In the rainy season, the people get
the flood in some fatal regions while in the dry season; they do not get some
clean water for taking a bath and housing hold.
lesson sometime cannot be achieved as well as the discipline. Automatically it
influences from the outcome in every single plan of each school, such
psychology, situation and atmosphere in each class.
How to handle the matter is
beginning with school member itself to realize for improving better about
behavior such throwing the garbage in dustbin, providing dustbin a lot in each
area, repairing the drain from trash being clogged up, restoring the clean
water for the dry season, giving a regulation for the people in low area to
move out through other high land, giving a hand to develop the clean life in
many sectors, provide all common spaces with dustbin and sweeper, provide the
wide garbage disposal or landfill, keep fresh the region with resisting the
motorcycle selling product, provide the fast and cheap transportation,
rejuvenate many public transportation, socialize people to use public
transportation, utilize the abundant area to grow many kinds of plant, have
become accustomed to plant the vegetables in some pots, plastic package, second
hand cans or buckets, separate habitually the house-trash as a fertilizer of
the vegetable’s plant above, concentrate to repairing, treatment and enlarging
the drains and reservoir and make a clean regulations not only in public area
but also in schools, private sectors or houses as a sustainable impact of
climate change lately in surround pupils and the all school Managements of high
school and Government in Bandung-Jatinangor, West Java Indonesia.
Keyword: The bad
Influencing seasons for school atmosphere
Climate will change the life situation for
human beings and surrounds. People need good condition for their performance in
working place. The good climate will build up the good personality of a human.
Therefore sometime it can change style and mind mapping of men to behave
against them.
While the sustainable development is the
captive matter which shall quickly make a solution for the handicap. What important
is that human beings can realize first the mistakes which grow so many influences
that this planet must save as soon as
possible. If they didn’t realize anything whereas they were worst, could a
human be able to handle huge disaster which is pouring because Allah (God)
wants that human realizes much more and
changes to be better?
All depend on what people encourage as the
best solution for the mistakes that they create on earth. It is said that
experience is the best teacher. Indonesia, in the mean time that we can say
Bandung is only having two seasons, rainy and dry season. If Bandung and
surround such Jatinangor must still fresh region, it must be cold because the places
has more abundant area and mountains or hills. Unfortunately, the fresh air
there is almost extinction from the region. Each must be some efforts to
sustain by many ways which the people are easy to use it such giving a hand to
develop the clean life in many sectors, provide all common spaces with dustbin
and sweeper, provide the wide garbage disposal, keep fresh the region with
resisting the motorcycle selling product, provide the fast and cheap
transportation, rejuvenate many public transportations, socialize people to use
public transportations, utilize the abundant area to grow many kinds of plant,
have become accustomed to plant the vegetables in some pots, plastic package,
second hand cans or buckets, separate habitually the house-trash as a
fertilizer of the vegetable’s plant above, concentrate to repairing, treatment
and enlarging the drains and reservoir and make a clean regulations not only in
public area but also in school, private or houses.
Smokes from so Many Vehicles
![]() |
Crowded Traffic Jam |
Humans become the most sources from what so many evidences do worst on earth. A few months ago, in Riau region Indonesia had forest fire.
Smokes are more spread. Through the neighbor. All ordinary people got
the impact influence there; they got throat, breath trouble and the hot wind
was blowing around the region. It happened because some of bad men were so greedy
to have some lands by the political influences. They sacrifice people for the
purpose. Alhamdulillah, Bandung until Jatinangor is not included in this
matter. But it’s sound to be saddened when we do not give the overcome of the
case through Riau region.
Photographs of using vehicles cause traffic jam
and much smokes
Speaking of technology, it
makes human do fast. It helps very much, of course. By the developing technologies
from developed countries
in many decades
has realized
one’s exaggerated willingness to get true his
imagination. So many motorcycles and vehicles are made
because of it. So many people in developing countries as the most users of
motorcycles and vehicles do not realize that the smokes makes heat all over
region whereas the school building needs some space for parking lot. Bandung
and Jatinangor regions get the impact of the developing technology. What
important then is human in that region become lazy to train his body and mind
to learn. They just learn no creative. Everyone who is learning about
discipline must know how the best thing for making him better. The workers hope
on time and so do students. Unfortunately they do not learn many things because
of the impact discipline such as above which can develop the human itself. They
just learn only on the skin that they just come on time and quickly. The answer
of the true imagination is making some vehicles so that many people buy
vehicles more than capacity for the city must have. Smoke which is making
throat ache more spreading out whereas that the respirator of vehicles is
opened raises the polluted air and sound of the life harmony.
Stink and Pile of Garbage
It’s the same problem rising for the garbage. The
pictures below image where” Leuwigajah” landfill makes trouble by the smell-bad
surround the living area where the people live (Photographs take from
internet-Google 2008) .
Bandung and Jatinangor region have been seen
more people throw the garbage anywhere. The students and teachers haven’t
chained to do the same vision for doing better. More teachers are giving
instruction not to throw the garbage anywhere. Sometime they don’t do the same
words from what they say to their pupils done. The students become rot. The
river, drain, beach, and lake become dirtier because of trashes which cast of
by people who are not aware of big trouble for the rainy days. They just think
it’s a habitual behavior from their ancestors. They do not let the bad behavior
through earth as a mistake which can be changed. All shall begin from us and
the environment is being encouraged to follow little by little with continuing
suggestion in each time we have. How many plastic packages of garbage we have
each day? When 6 dustbins have full garbage from a house in 24 hours mix up between organic and
inorganic trashes, so how many houses in the village and region give? How many
schools in the region give the packages?
The kid as student obeys what his teacher
data from BPLHD Bandung that the garbage which was in the Leuwigajah landfill
in 2004 is such below:
And the data in 2008 is 1.800 – 2.200 m 3/ a day in
Sarimukti Landfill such :
TPA Sarimukti mulai
dioperasikan akhir bulan Mei 2006 yang melayani buangan sampah dari Kota
Bandung, Kota Cimahi, dan Kabupaten Bandung. Dalam operasinya, TPA Sarimukti
menampung sampah sekitar 1.800-2.200 m3/hari (BPLHD, 2008).
proves that each day the package of garbage arrives to the landfill more
increasingly each day. The household garbage and other which includes organic and
inorganic are thrown together in one dustbin. What was suggested before that people
ought to separate between organic and inorganic trashes must be easier to
recycle it. It’s not difficult anymore to take a landfill for piling the
trashes up in Bandung and surround. The Government shall pay attention by the
certainty regulation of trashes in house, street, road, public and private
schools, buildings, offices, malls, markets and houses of worship by providing
many more dustbins. Unfortunately, both people and government haven’t worked in
the same mission. When the government needed a landfill for disposal the
garbage in some region, people were conflicted the proposal caused for the
stink of the garbage piles and the water land was polluted.
Uniknya, TPA sampah tersebut terletak di antara perbukitan
tetapi lokasinya relatif dekat dengan area permukiman (100-200 meter) baik yang
berada di wilayah Kota Cimahi maupun Kabupaten Bandung, sehingga memberikan
dampak terhadap kualitas lingkungan permukiman di sekitar lokasi TPA, seperti
bau menyengat selama bertahun-tahun. Di samping itu, air tanah pada daerah
perbukitan dan air permukaan seperti sungai akan tercemar akibat terjadi\nya
proses pembusukan pada sampah.
……,………………“Leuwigajah Landfill”
Tahun 2008
It’s difficult
anymore to find the area for landfill so that Bandung was having a huge pile at
the side street city. The stink and bad view makes Bandung looked like the
dirty city. It’s bad experience therefore the government ought to work quickly
to put the area for it. The awakening people give a hand for making easier of
recycling the garbage not only throwing to the drain or river which caused
flood where the garbage staged on the water onto the land or lake or sea are so
much handled the case.
Picture two men clean the
trashes which gagged the drains in Bandung
In the
rain season, the trash is more gagged from the drain through the river or sea,
it’s quoted from “Gala Media Newspaper” that the pile of trashes is said as the
people complaint such.
Tumpukan sampah hingga kini masih menumouk di sejumlah titik di
Kec. Jatinangor, Kab. Sumedang. Belum diketahui kapan tumpukan sampah tersebut
akan dibersihkan. Yang pasti, keberadaan tumpukan sampah tersebut dikeluhkan
sejumlah pengguna jalan, termasuk warga Jatinangor.
Pemantauan “GM”, Rabu
(11/7), sampah tersebut terlihat di sejumlah titik, di antaranya di batas kota
Kab. Sumedang-Kab. Bandung, di Desa Cibeusi, di sekitar jalan by pass, antara
kampus ITB dan kampus Undap.
Flood in the Rainy Season
Allah (God) gives to pour the blessing for people through in the rain. Because of what human
do, human being can not feel the blessing. They felt disaster from the flood.
The flood is going happened. So many low area which got the flood made all
houses sunken. The people
who live there must birch on the roof. The tiring to throw the water and clean
shall not make them realize that the area is not worthy lived in. They were
just agreed if the relocation are free in the wide place by the high price from
the government. It can be imagined how many students must postpone their lesson
for the parents deal with the government because they don’t have the worthy
shirt, skirt or treasure for going to school. They books were losing by the
flood. How much time must they wait the transportation because the engine of
vehicle has full of water? How do the students and teachers face it when a part
of the students cannot come in the class? How does the government anticipate
all aspects of it in the class for the resulting achievement?
It raises more reacting cases causes worst lately. More
vehicles could not run well in the street, all students and workers ought to
come the class or office late, the needs for school were wet, their houses
covered the water which ebbed tide hard, the embankment broke down cause to
restrain much water and garbage. The hill and mountain becomes erosion.
Many students are indeed diarrhea, another has dengue
fever, cikungunya and campak disease, malaria and allergic.
Drought in the Dry Season
In the dry season,
the clean water is going to be hard to find. Sometime some students cannot take
a bath because the clean water is a little stream from the board of clean water
in the region. The drought wind makes sore and influenza. More chickens and
ducks have stricken A5 disaster in which people cannot get the better protein
is able to be reached as a cheap food. So many students are fever, cough, lack
of water in kidney, headache, weaken, inflamed throat, allergic, pneumonia,
some kind of influenza, suffer from nosebleed, ulcer in the mouth, dysentery
and painful muscles.
The bad habitual is
ongoing. So They still are slowly down to realize that
they become existing only for being shorten when they don’t want to change the
way of life as a breaker what Allah creates. As a Muslim, the writer is very
conveniently what Allah says in Qur’an
Qs: Ar Ruum, 41
has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of
people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what
they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness].
the other words that we have been seen the damage in the land and sea which is
caused by human done, in order that Allah gives them what they have done
before, then make them return to the right way
And it is He who sends the winds as good tidings
before His mercy until, when they have carried heavy rainclouds, We drive them
to a dead land and We send down rain therein and bring forth thereby [some] of
all the fruits. Thus will We bring forth the dead; perhaps you may be reminded.
Pupil Problem in Medikacom Vocational High School Bandung
The Rainy Season
to attending the class
students who live in Bojongsoang, Kopo, Soreang, Banjaran, Bale Endah, Gede
Bage and Majalaya area must be patient to face the flood in each rainy season. It’s
suburb area that is lowest from other, crowded and the polluted drain. They
cannot come on time when the rain falls hard. Automatically the teacher shall
give them appreciated when their house get flood the students are consistently
coming up in the class. Some time they are going to find very hard the uniform
and some books because it must be loss of flood. The attention for class
program becomes foggy. They more think about where they live after the school
finish, what they eat for the day, when the flood is up from their house. The
worried is continuing before the rainy days are over.
Symptom Diseases
Some of students who live there are infected
in diarrhea, dengue fever, cikungunya and campak disease, malaria and allergic.
The skin all over their body looks like more scares, in skin itching, eczema because the dirty water shall have used for their taking
a bath. When the class program is running out, he is busy to resist his
allergic. He can’t focus in every single lesson. Other students tend to get
dengue fever. They need hospitalizing for a while from school program. It
depends on their antibody. But in the rainy day comes, some of the students
don’t come because of the matter.
Psychological Effect
embracing comes through the students who get the flood disaster from other
students. They are so lazy to attend the class because the difficulty is a part
of mockery in the class whereas when they must lose their stationary for many programs
they have arranged. Some teachers suggested that they lie for losing it will be
hard to repair their humiliating from others. When they don’t come some other
students feel inactive of the class program, what they say ‘lonely’. All things
they are doing together sometime not more spirit. They become unmotivated to
all the positive things.
The Dry Season
to attending the class
must be not hard for coming soon in the dry season actually. They can come on
time separately but the other students come late and tend to use some jackets by
the reason of cool for coming in the class while the rule says students must
take off the jackets because the management is afraid that they bring something
which is unrelated to the school tools. The air and wind is blowing so cold
Symptom Diseases
different situation happens through the students when the dry season comes up.
Sometime their throats are swelling of abdomen. The lack of clean water for
taking a bath shall be found or bought but when they do not get automatically
they are seldom to take a bath. It is caused the allergic through their skin. A
part of them has got cough because of dust and wind spins all over school or
environment. They prefer eating region junk food such cilok*), hot chilly cassava chips, hot meat ball, hot cuangki*) and etcetera to eating the
nutrient foods/meals. It proves their antibody can’t help longer time to think
the better idea for students in these school. They do not realize it that good
food is able to make them think as much as they shall get the knowledge in the
Psychological Effect
in each of school day make students be not motivated to learn deeply they must.
The students often ask to the teachers for being out just for needing the fresh
air. This happen when the air circulation of the class is worst. The teacher
becomes un-concentrate giving the lesson because the students are in and fro
while explaining the material.
Pupil Problem in Al Ma’soem Senior High School Jatinangor Sumedang
Rainy Season
Discipline to attending the class
Impact Climate SMA Al Ma’soem (Al Ma’soem senior high school) students who
learn some lessons from 07.00 till 15.15 Indonesian Time at Monday till Friday
have felt the changes climate. They give some behavior and concentrate
reactions when learning in the class. We have some treating action for recognizing
the student discipline in accepting their knowledge if they are absent in every
lesson. Before the punishment is sentence to them, the girl and
boy-student-officials shall find the data. From the graphic data which is saved
much more rising in every week, it’s realistic to find more sources which cause
them absent. Therefore the official begins to study the causes of student
absent; it’s real factual condition that there is climate change which makes the
students not be able to come in. The Climate Change Rises Student’s Absence.
b. The
Symptom Diseases
We know that the climate changes are fast. We
were just on the rain season which many areas had flooded away. It was the same
reaction “flood” in surround our region such Jatinangor, Rancaekek, Majalaya,
Bandung and Cicalengka – West Java, Indonesia. Those places are where students
and their family live. Undetermined climate feels so extremely influences to
the antibody of our students here. As a -girl-student -official, I detected 55
% students have diarrhea, another has dengue fever, cikungunya and campak
disease, malaria and allergic then just only 15% students left have fit
condition. I take the data from many students asked me to the doctor in our
school medical clinic, some letters and information which were from the student
families or relatives admitted that their families or relatives as a student
not to come in the mean time make the emphasizing the proof.
The doctor has told some symptoms to the disease above. A part of them should be hospitalized because they must have dehydration. For the dengue fever, they have some variation stadium which the al ma’soem referred hospital has given the sentence of to us. From the percentage and some data,
The doctor has told some symptoms to the disease above. A part of them should be hospitalized because they must have dehydration. For the dengue fever, they have some variation stadium which the al ma’soem referred hospital has given the sentence of to us. From the percentage and some data,
Psychological Effect
I suppose that my students are not in right
position to get some information in learning class. That has been happened on
December 08 till May 09. When the climate begins changing, the factual
condition such those above makes some parents whose children got dengue fever
had been worried to face that their children was died young and there were many
teachers who had chikungunya disease or Measles disease. Many symptoms which
some teachers were being suffered are insisting on spraying all over the school
in order to not much more pupils and teacher had. The headmaster should allow
some teachers and pupils stayed on bed and it means they didn’t come in the
class too. It was automatically making ineffective learning class. But it ought
to suppose that studying process should run well as generally as what happens
The Dry Season
to attending the class
So many dry seasons’
impacts are supposed that students are not in right position to get some
information in learning class. That has been happened on December 08 till May
09. When the climate begins changing, the factual condition such those above
makes some parents whose children got dengue fever had been worried to face
that their children was died young and there were many teachers who had
cikungunya disease or Measles disease. Many symptoms which some teachers were
being suffered are insisting on spraying all over the school in order to not
much more pupils and teacher had. The headmaster should allow some teachers and
pupils stayed on bed and it means they didn’t come in the class too. It was
automatically making ineffective learning class. But it ought to suppose that
studying process should run well as generally as what happens habitual.
Symptom Diseases
When the climate changes
into the dry season, there is the different disease which is suffered by all
students. They have on fever, cough, lack of water in kidney, headache, weaken,
inflamed throat, allergic, pneumonia, some kind of influenza, suffer from
nosebleed, ulcer in the mouth, dysentery and painful muscles.
Some accidence out of those diseases such
dried well or lack of water anywhere causes studying process and unsustainable
students to increase. Because of the data, the classes were almost empty. The
other teachers who prepared their activities in the classroom some time should
have some obstacles to deliver because they must raise student’s motivation to
learn. Some students who come in not all of them have good preparation to
accept what the teacher gave them. Of course it’s like very simple work and
solution. But in the real condition every teacher should make them sure that
their condition outside of the classroom will be alright to run. It is no good
spirit to be raised and caught them in every material. That is pragmatically
accident which needs for digging what happen to them and how to make them
unsustainable as the other day before.
The Analysis
factors are stated before insist in student’s capabilities become decrease.
Analysis From 15 until 25
%, I told above no mentioning for student houses have flooded or obstructed of
it and fire. Some time the teacher was teaching only 18 - 20 students from 40
students shall be per class who are ready to get knowledge. It's available to
teach indeed but in the other side every student who is in the class to be
influenced by the spiritual moment in learning class. It is caused that we
learn in the big class which they tell as their family in their school. What I
learn from them when the rain season a part of some students who got the flood
must help their house to clear some garbage and where their books and school
stuff were gone. Therefore, so many students should need their allowance to
come; it was automatically they didn’t come in the mean time. As an English
teacher who expects that every student learn with him/her enhancing their
knowledge must recognize the student case and search together for the solution.
A part of the student cannot
prepare their capability to take what their teacher gave is said that they feel
cold after their getting wet on the rainy season even though that their uniform
was just a little bit sprinkle of rainy water on. Another said that the room
climate was clumsy and make difficult to inhale. The conclusion is that global
warming has some impacts to any other side which causes many kinds of diseases
and the way to think about something as a progress report in student's and
teacher activity in the class.
This reality can make us
think how to find some ways as the solutions but in fact those rise another
problems such global warming we found everywhere. It influences the world
climate and so does the school customers. It also happens in our country on the
east region court of Bandung or the subway of Bandung-Jatinangor, Sumedang–West
Java in Indonesia. The stimulus to avoid the bad season lately must be reminded
through all school participants
The Literature
1. Data BPLHD Bandung 2004
1. Data BPLHD Bandung 2004
2. Leuwigajah Landfill” Tahun 2008
Al Quran, Ar-rum 41
“Gala Media Newspaper”, 11
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