MY WORKS IN LITERATURES FOR WORLD:everyone can explore everything he loves in order to enhance his brain with natural creativity
Mengenai Saya

- bintangku
- I love writing, learning, cooking, watching some cartoon films such, sponge Bob, naruto, the legend of Aang.
Senin, 04 Juni 2012
In the morning, Sophia works on as usually as the other days. She uses the given uniform. She is a worker in one of garments. She has a husband and a-little-couple-kid. Nothing special for her life is expected to tell. All are ordinaries. She works seperatedly in the morning, noon and night. Until she was bored to do her done at the day and she learns to use the internet and try to make some connections with other people in twitter and facebook.
She met more old-friends. But there was one who always tried to keep in touch every time. In the beginning, she felt so missed him after a long time she had not seen her friend.
“Sophia… I ‘m so missed you so much, would you meet me in front of the pick resto?” said Anugrah
“Hey… missed you too. But later on we met each other. Ok. I’ve been a lot of work lately a week later” answered Sophia lightly.
Every time she worked indeed she urged to reply when her old friend expected to send the short message. She served as she didn’t know who he was. He was well-known in secondary school who loves very much her but he was known that he had another woman beside Sophia. Sophia knew but she was an east-woman from Indonesia eventhough she was hurt, she could hide her feeling.
She didn’t choose him as a husband not because she didn’t want to. It was because she ought to obey what her parents said for her in the future. She kept so tidely the rule of her parent’s culture about marriage. She enjoyed doing it. But not after Anugrah disturbed her in her spare time.
“ phia… I was in front of your office gate, we met directly. Ok?!”
“nugrah…. Hah?!”
“You had been there. Oh… my goodness!, ok, I’ll be there.”
So they met finally happily. Anugrah knew that Sophia had been married and so did he. Sophia just thought that it was only passing by for a few time and never ending for what she didn’t do so far.
“Hallo honey…. Could you please come here?”, “I rent a room for us.. please .. come here…”
Anugrah said by phone
“ Hah… hai.. what’s your doing ?, rent a room? ”
Sophia had not thought that Anugrah was so mad of love such that.
“What did he think about her?” she thought herself. Sophia had been disturbed by his calling and picking her up in her office and etc. She asked her husband who worked as a peddler of siomay picked her up after her working out. She felt afraid to tell about Anugrah who were so famous policy member in their region and her old friend to her husband. She felt guilty to him.
Every morning, noon and night Anugrah were so fond of by phoning, send a massage and picking her up.
Sophia was suggested to change her phone number. She didn’t know that Anugrah should get her number easily.
At on morning after she had gone home from her works, there was a beautiful lady waiting her the security told her.
“Oh.. It’s you… Sophia?” told the woman
“ Yeah…?!?” Sophia answered.
“Anugrah wife..!” “Do you remember Anugrah?”
“Oh… hi, yeah. I know him”
“You are not just recognizing him but so closed. You know you are just bad stink.. jerk…”
“Ups.. can we talk politely perhaps not here?” “I think we are gonna embrased ourself if we talk like that”
“ Huuoohh… you know embrassing, you feel like that but when you’d done with my husband. You’ve never been embrassing to do that… great..!” “so what?!!” “ You wanna me follow to your place…?!”
“I don’t have any idea to ge the solution for this matter mam…, I just wanna that we talk first what it happens if we need that your husband should come here to explain it for us” “It’s talking about our privacy, we should talk out of the office; I just keep my works for my children life… that’s all.”
“No. I just wanna you stay away from my husband”
“Ok. Fine… that’s what I need” “ Watch out that….!”
After talking it, Sophia left the woman herself and went home. While she was walking she cried, she could not stop her tears. Actually Sophia didn’t know why she cried. Everyone looked at her, Sophia didn’t realize that she became limelight. At home, she suddenly got headache after she knew that her husband was at home and saw her in this condition.
“Oh honey what happened?” her husband asked
“Are you crying? What happened? Tell me !”
“Ah... nothing” she tried wipe her tears
“I just get headache and hurt; maybe, it makes my tears - out. I’ll take a rest for making me much better. By the way, why don’t you go to sell siomay?”
“Ah... I don’t care about siomay anymore after I saw you like that; oke… I will stay at home today and I think we must check your health to the hospital.” he suggested his wife, Sophia while he was holding and leading her to sit.
“No.. I’m fine honey. Just work out now… Remember! we need to eat and pay for our children’s school fee. Although just one day it’s very precious for us. Go.. I’m fine, really...” Sophia held her husband’s hand and convinced him.
“Really?Alright if you want it. I will go and if you need something just call me and I will go home soon oke? “ Her husband couldn’t hide his concern. But finally he left his wife alone.
After her husband left her alone at home, Sophia cried again. She still didn’t understand about this condition. She thought why she could oblige her old friend Anughrah in the beginning, and the most important why she could do that to her husband, whom she loves so much. Her phone rang, and suprised her. When she saw the name on the screen, suddenly she was breath faster than usual when she read “Anughrah’s calling” on her phone. Sophia let her phone rang, she didn’t answer his calling. Sophia thought its better if she went to her room and left her phone here in the living room. Soon as possible she finally went to her room and changed her clothes.
“What will I do now?” Sophia talked to her self.
”He said he’d rent a room for us, what is he thought of me? Doesn’t he know that I’d had a husband? “
She sat on her bad and thinking about the solution. And finally, she stood up and said
“Well, I will meet him and stop this problem. Yaaa, tomorrow is Sunday so I have time to meet him” Sophia planned to call Anughrah about tomorrow so she rushed to living room and took her phone.
“15 missed call from Anugrah” that’s the words which she read when she took her phone. Beside 15 missed call, Anugrah sent her 13 message too. And the content was “why don’t you pick up your phone? I know you are at home now. So.. just pick up your phone!”
Unrealized, Sophia went to the window and looked around. She was afraid of coming him directly, but no one on the road or in her yard. Finally Sophia decided to call Anugerah and talked about her plan.
“Like I said, I’ve rent the room for us … shophia. I’ll wait you in hotel near from your work place tomorrow after working hours, of course. If I wait you more than 2 hours, I will come to your house.”
“What are you talking about Anugerah?...” but before Sophia talk about her plan to him, connection was lost and when she tried to call him she just heard “the number is unactive”
WHAAAAT? Sophia was so shocked she asked to herself What did he mean that he would come to her house if I didn’t come tomorrow?.
What could she do now?She was so afraid if her husban knew it. Suddenly Sophia had an idea, she thought she would find him on facebook. Finally she opened her laptop (I must change laptop with rental, how about it?because Sophia was ordinary people; read: rakyat yang belum memiliki laptop bisa computer karena hp dan rental komputer) and signs in to her account in facebook. unfortunately Anugerah was offline. She knew that Anugerah didn’t have account twitter.
Desperately she leaned her head to the sofa, Sophia didn’t know what she ought to do. One thing that she wanted to do was going asleep, so she closed her eyes comfortly.
“ do you sleep? I’m hungry… “ her daughter’s voice suprised her and made her wake up. Sophia kissed her daughter.
“are you hungry my sweety? Oke I’ll cook for you. Where is your brother?” Sophia hug her because with hug her daughter, she felt more comfort. She could forget her problem for a while.
“Honey I think I will go home late today. I have some bussiness which I must have finished ” says Sophia when she leaves home and then kisses her children.
“Oh yeah honey, take care. Wear your jacket, the weather is so cold” says her husband while he is preparing siomay for today.
“Oke… bye...” Sophia waves to her beloved husband. Suddenly her smile is lost from her face after leaving her house. She doesn’t know whether her husband will love her like this if she tells about Anugerah to him or not?.
Sophia works but much things are on her mind, because of that she doesn’t work normally. But no one is there. Shopia looks very shocked and her body was shaking when she tried to open the door completely. Hoping one can give the hand her there but the room was so dark, Shopia couldn’t see anything except one red candle in the left corner were flaming it. She walks slowly while her both hands touch the walls hoping there was electricity button. After the fifth step, she found the botton and pressed it. Lamp was turning on, she was very shocked because there was someone wearing scary mask in front of her and hit her until unconscious. Never known what Anugrah does to Shopia in that dark room then.
Two days later her husband who missed her a lot felt very strange and tried to call her. She didn’t pick it up the phone. Instead she sent a text back which was written by Anugrah. “I’M BUSY; DON’T CALL ME!! ANUGRAH”. Because of that, he made suspicious that something happened through his wife.
“It’s not my wife habitual done. It’s so strange message… hmmm…”
Suddenly a beautiful lady came rush on him after he opened the door for going to sell his siomay. He is so surprised when this lady directly asked what he thought.
“Do you want to know where your wife leaves?”
“Yes. Who are you?”
“ Don’t ask. Let come with me! Your wife’s critically danger”
“ Where??”
“To my house. Come fast”
After coming to Lady’s House, she told that his wife was in her husband Anugrah who has stalked.
“He just wanted to revenge while giving a friend’s pictures which are lost without bury then this’s your wife turn. We should help your wife”
“Where is she??”
“What I heard Anugrah rented the room for 4 days near your wife’s garment Number 432”
Then Anugrah’s wife characters changes into the kind one because she knew what Anugrah’s done to her best friends. She and Shopia’s husband came to The Inn with number of room 432. Nobody’s there except a little candle and all inn things. But there is clue to make them rush on Anugrah’s warehouse in the backyard.
When they come to the back yard in tip toe, Anugrah had been preparing the trap which makes his wife three finger toes cut and she is hard to release. She just asks Sophia’s husband to go through for finding Sophia in order to save her life. While Sophia husband leaves her, Anugrah find Maria, his wife, has detected injured in her finger toes; suddenly he screams “Traitor……!!!!!” he gets her head and cut it with axe that he prepared in his hand. The blood is spurting everywhere. His red-face and the sweat is dripping in the whole body then shortness of breath feels in the room. He steps through the ware house.
Sophia has met her husband, Surya and opened her rope tiedly in her hands and legs on the bed. They hug a little while; she cried shockly then followed her husband to get out of the house.
Known that Maria was died by Anugrah on late two years. What Sophia and Surya look at that only a wraith who helps her soul releases through heaven. Anugrah is helped by the phsiciater against his suffering.
The End
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