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I love writing, learning, cooking, watching some cartoon films such, sponge Bob, naruto, the legend of Aang.

Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009


Some over reacting problems in this world are indeed from the humans, especially relating with natural disaster which often springs lately. What we are conveniently as Muslim that Alloh tells us in Al Quran such:
Qs: Ar Ruum, 41
Have been seen the damage in the land and sea which is caused by human done, in order to Allah give them what they have done before, then make them return to the right way (41)
And of course that Alloh gives us the brain for thinking the solution such:
Qs: Ar ‘Araf, 57;
And He is God who blows the wind as the messengers which make us excite before the blessing arrival (rain) ; till when the wind brings the cloudy toward us, we make it throw in field, then We make the rain fall there, so We create the rain for yielding many kind of fruits. Such the kind of it, We awaken the last dead people, Wish you take the tuition (57)
This reality can make us think how to find some ways as the solutions but in fact those rise another problems such global warming we found everywhere. It influences the world climate. It also happens in our country on the east region court of Bandung or the subway of Bandung- Jatinangor, Sumedang - West Java in Indonesia.
The Impact Climate
SMA Al Ma’soem (Al Ma’soem senior high school) students who learn some lessons from 07.00 till 15.15 Indonesian Time at Monday till Friday have felt the changes climate. They give some behavior and concentrate reactions when learning in the class. We have some treating action for recognizing the student discipline in accepting their knowledge if they are absent in every lesson. Before the punishment is sentence to them, the girl and boy-student-officials shall find the data. From the graphic data which is saved much more rising in every week, it’s realistic to find more sources which cause them absent. Therefore the official begins to study the causes of student absent; it’s real factual condition that there is climate change which makes the students not be able to come in.
The Climate Change Rises Student’s Absence in
a). Rainy Season
We know that the climate changes are fast. We were just on the rain season which many areas had flooded away. It was the same reaction “flood” in surround our region such Jatinangor, Rancaekek, Majalaya, Bandung and Cicalengka – West Java, Indonesia. Those places are where students and their family live. Undetermined climate feels so extremely influences to the antibody of our students here. As a -girl-student -official, I detected 55 % students have diarrhea, another has dengue fever, cikungunya and campak disease, malaria and allergic then just only 15% students left have fit condition. I take the data from many students asked me to the doctor in our school medical clinic, some letters and information which were from the student families or relatives admitted that their families or relatives as a student not to come in the mean time make the emphasizing the proof.
The doctor has told some symptoms to the disease above. A part of them should be hospitalized because they must have dehydration. For the dengue fever, they have some variation stadium which the al ma’soem referred hospital has given the sentence of to us. From the percentage and some data, I suppose that my students are not in right position to get some information in learning class. That has been happened on December 08 till May 09. When the climate begins changing, the factual condition such those above makes some parents whose children got dengue fever had been worried to face that their children was died young and there were many teachers who had cikungunya disease or Campak disease. Many symptoms which some teachers were being suffered are insisting on spraying all over the school in order to not much more pupils and teacher had. The headmaster should allow some teachers and pupils stayed on bed and it means they didn’t come in the class too. It was automatically making ineffective learning class. But it ought to suppose that studying process should run well as generally as what happens habitual.
b). The Dry Season
When the climate changes into the dry season, there is the different disease which is suffered by all students. They have on fever, cough, lack of water in kidney, headache, weaken, inflamed throat, allergic, pneumonia, some kind of influenza, suffer from nosebleed, ulcer in the mouth, dysentery and painful muscles. Some accidence out of those diseases such dried well or lack of water anywhere causes studying process and unsustainable students to increase. Because of the data, the classes were almost empty. The other teachers who prepared their activities in the classroom some time should have some obstacles to deliver because they must raise student’s motivation to learn. Some students who come in not all of them have good preparation to accept what the teacher gave them. Of course it’s like very simple work and solution. But in the real condition every teacher should make them sure that their condition outside of the classroom will be alright to run. It is no good spirit to be raised and caught them in every material. That is pragmatically accident which needs for digging what happen to them and how to make them unsustainable as the other day before.
c.) Analysis
From 15 until 25 %, I told above no mentioning for student houses have flooded or obstructed of it and fire. Some time the teacher was teaching only 18 - 20 students from 40 students should be per class who are ready to get knowledge. It's available to teach indeed but in the other side every student who is in the class to be influenced by the spiritual moment in learning class. It is caused that we learn in the big class which they tell as their family in their school. What I learn from them when the rain season a part of some students who got the flood must help their house to clear some garbage and where their books and school stuff were gone. Therefore, so many students should need their allowance to come; it was automatically they didn’t come in the mean time. As an English teacher who expects that every student learn with him/her enhancing their knowledge must recognize the student case and search together for the solution.
A part of the student could not prepare their capability to take what their teacher gave is said that they feel cold after their getting wet on the rainy season even though that their uniform was just a little bit sprinkle of rainy water on. Another said that the room climate was clumsy and make difficult to inhale.

The conclusion is that global warming has some impacts to any other side which causes many kind of diseases and the way to think about something as a progress report in student's and teacher activity in the class.


Aku sudah membuka emailku beberapa kali karena aku sedang menambahkan informasi tentang beasiswa untuk para siswaku yang terbaik dan langkah peningkatan menuju gerbang perkuliahan tidak sengaja tiba-tiba ada email dengan nama yang pernah mengisi sebuah ruang di hatiku kurang dari dua puluh dua tahun yang lalu masuk begitu saja. Isi beritanya hanya ingin mencari seorang temanku yang juga temannya ketika kami kuliah. Waw…. Saat itu aku hanya terkejut kemudian aku mulai tersenyum; lucu saja.. Apa yang sering aku katakan kepada siswa-siswiku hanyalah segala kemungkinan di dunia ini bisa terjadi jika Alloh yang berkehendak. Mungkin inilah kejadian salah satunya.
Setelah kubaca emailnya sudah pasti kulangsung menjawab sebisaku dan sepengetahuanku tentang temanku. Naluri yang muncul memang kangen padanya. Ketika tahun 1995, aku bekerja sebagai seorang sekretaris pribadi pejabat Negara saat itu di daerah Rawamangun Jakarta, dia pernah melintas dan aku berteriak memanggil namanya saat aku diantar sopir bos ku. Tapi dia berlalu begitu cepat. Saat itu aku belum menikah pula dan aku tak sempat memikirkan menikah jika tidak karena mengingat apa yang dikatakan rasul bahwa barang siapa yang tak menikah maka ia bukanlah termasuk pada golonganku. Aku meyakini kata-kata itu meski bingung mau seperti apakah calon suamiku yang pantas untukku. Ach… let it flow… Aku pindah ke Bandung karena aku berpikir bandung akan mampu mendinginkan pemikiran dan hatiku yang saat itu sungguh bingung terhadap kehidupan yang sedang berjalan di hadapanku.
Tak terasa aku ternyata betah hidup di bandung yang saat ini sudah berubah mendekati cuaca Jakarta meski masih ada semilir angin. Perjalanan Sembilan tahun mengajar yang kemudian menjadi kehidupanku yang sejati merupakan bagian lain yang aku harus pahami. Bertemulah aku dengan suamiku melalui bantuan seorang kawan yang hanya memberikan nomer telpon nya untukku setelah itu. Tidak lama setelah aku menikah di bulan Desember 2004, Alloh memberikan kami rizki seorang anak perempuan yang cantik dan membahagiakan diriku. Hanya Alhamdulillah yang bisa aku panjatkan kepada Alloh, setelah separuh waktuku mungkin ada yang terbuang sia-sia aku bersyukur Alloh menurunkan keturunan untukku. Indahnya duniaku. Usia anakku sudah mendekati lima tahun dan dia baru duduk di kelas O kecil Taman kanak-kanak dekat rumah.
Semula kami hanya mengontrak rumah di sekitar daerah sekolahku. Saat ini dengan pinjaman uang dari merua tercinta, kami bisa menempati sebuah rumah mungil tanpa harus memikirkan uang kontrakan. Aku dan suamiku membangun kepercayaan yang bebas terbatas. Aku sangat menghormati perkataan yang dia lontarkan kepadaku meski terkadang ada hal-hal yang melecehkan. Dibalik itu sungguh aku memuji kebaikan hatinya kepada setiap tetangga yang membutuhkannya. Dia tak pernah memperkarakan ketika kita pertama kali ditipu oleh seorang laki-laki yang bersedia menyediakan computer untuk modal usaha kami. Dia hanya bilang mungkin orang itu sedang susah, biarlah ikhlaskan saja atau seorang tukang air yang menjajakan jerigen airnya setiap hari ketika musim kering itu terjadi dan meminjam uang lima puluh ribu rupiah akan dikembalikan setelah dua hari kemudian. Ternyata Dia tak memintanya ketika berbulan-bulan dan bertahun-tahun orang itu lenyap dari pandangan matanya dan bertemu baru-baru ini; sekali lagi dia hanya bilang kita kurang beramal biarkan saja, padahal untuk membeli susu anakku, kita kesulitan sekali karena gajiku tak cukup untuk membiayai kehidupan yang layak tapi dia selalu yakin Alloh akan memberi kita rizki di luar kemampuan kita ketahui. Subhanalloh.
Aku sadari Alloh sedang menguji kesetiaan diriku dan konsistensi terhadap janji yang aku ucapkan bersama suamiku. Ya Alloh, aku umatmu yang kerdil dan Engkau selalu membantuku saat aku susah. Bantulah aku… ya Alloh. Bantulah suamiku dalam kesendiriannya di kota ini. Ya alloh, berilah kami rizki yang bermanfaat untuk kami sehingga kami bisa bertanggung jawab lebih baik lagi di kemudian hari. Tetapkanlah hatiku kepadaMu ya Alloh…jangan biarkan aku terlena pada dunia yang gemerlap. Biarkan aku dan suamiku menjaga anakku yang menjadi titipan Mu ya.. Alloh dengan lebih baik. Jangan berikan kami rizki yang tak halal untuknya ya Alloh...
Sementara aku hanya mampu berdo’a untuk kebaikan sahabatku yang aku cintai dan dia selalu mendo’akan ku dari jauh.

For: Diyah Indriyani Mujayin, Risa Damayanti,Cicih Patrianita, Parwietha Sari, Krisnadi Yuliawan.