Mengenai Saya

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I love writing, learning, cooking, watching some cartoon films such, sponge Bob, naruto, the legend of Aang.

Minggu, 28 Februari 2021


 28st February  2021'



This Sunday 28 February is the last day in February to make me remind all events. In this morning, I wait at 07.00 am about Conan Cartoon Series in One of National Television Station. These series are my favorite film. The story is easy to understand and I made my daughter to be familiar to watch it. Alright, I’ll try to review it for you.

     Conan with many people are coming into a house which is happened a strange accident. There is a young-woman-corpse in temple hostelry. The monk leader has a guest as woman who takes a lodging room in temple. There are twin young adopted monks who make the monk leader scolded because of their done.

     Conan and his team came to investigate all accidents. When they investigated in the first time, they ought to come in temple which the woman was rented for a while but not the corpse in that room, no blood spot anywhere, no track spot. While one of young monks who worked to clean the room, actually he was seeing it. He was shocked that the corpse and all things was disappeared when the detective police team was there.

     The leader monk said that there were four rooms as suitable as the cardinal points as what the woman rented in holstery and all had designed with the Buddha’s sculpture in each room. There was no corpse each room after checking out in the whole parts of temple especially in holstery.

     The East Detective and Conan collaborated with Detective Mouri San and his daughter, Ran Mouri tried to open mystery from the disappearing temple corpse.

Conan suddenly fell down and his glasses thrown a few centimetre from him. He said that he lost his detective badge. When Ran put and gave the spectacles to him, he could be able to see it which covered with many dried leaves after using his spectacles. From the real situation which Conan Edogawa told, the east detective with Mouri san gave the solution that the corpse laid down hiding covered by Buddha sculptures in each cardinal points.

Twin-young monks who were accused of in the first time the story told to them were improving as a murder. So everyone there suggested that the leader monk was as the real murder. But the kid east detective said “no”. The monk was not a murderer. The woman who was suicided because what the Monk’s words when she was going to take the twin who were her real sons left long long years ago.

The story was ended by admitting the leader monk about his sharpened words through the woman for her son or twin.

The interesting moment in this cartoon is that they make a theory for many mysterious stories by something easily to understand and can make children enrich their curiosity about something mystery around them.

As adults, I also learn more deeply how to find new method for gaming case upon our life. It can help me to be better for finding the best way against life, of course. It’s only me who talks such this cause that I love to see Conan Mysterious story. 








Jumat, 26 Februari 2021


 26st February  2021


This week my friend teachers and I must prepare for student’s online test on Midterm. Before students will do the test, they automatically must remind all lesson that teachers gave. It is resumed into Midterm Grid. The hope is that students can prepare test properly and get good score after all.

          This administration for having student’s assessment which should be fulfilling in some grades such in Grid, Question Table, uploading all questions as suitable as what teachers make by considering student’s capabilities for the lesson.

          So for writing the question’s test, I must prepare 1) Identity of School, Lesson, and Class Program; 2). Question’s Grid; 3). Questions Table. In Question’s Grid meanwhile, we need a). Basic Competency Items, b). Indicators Subject, Material Subject, Question Indicators, Level Cognitives  and Numbering concept. The forming Question’s Grid is such : 

After finishing the question’s Grid, I take one by one into the question table for each question I plan to make. In this every midterm, my school is usually asking to arrange only 20 question per lesson by 90 minutes to do. Actually my arranging questions are more between in second level and third level rather than the first level. The level is telling about understanding in first level, application term in the second level and logical/reasoning term. 

So we can deserve already the questions for midterm.  







Selasa, 23 Februari 2021


 23st February  2021



Literature Works are important pile for student's motivation upon what they learn. The appreciation through what they did is a piece of willing to make them as human being who enjoys each time of  their life.

Teacher usually has many efforts to enhance student’s soul for a life. Some other way, teacher can find the trick to convey true problematical devices which influence onto his/her student life in the future.  

But in contrary fact, a part of students suggest that teacher has ever thought he/she makes difficulty to do as a student. To see and understand the little bit effort in order that they feel hard to survive is a treatment for brainstorming them in positive impact. Later on they must know what the function is they make a story in many social media they know.

Therefore these are my student works which make me proud of. They have showed me their effort to chain piece by piece of words to enhance their ability for their health brain. 


X – A Software Engineering Class


By Delviano Bayu Aprilians

That morning, I was watering flowers in the garden beside the house. In the park, many butterflies flew. Seeing this, I wondered if I had a beautiful pair of wings. So that, I would look like a fairy on television, and be able to fly here and there as I wish without feeling afraid of falling down.




By Mochammad Irfan Fadhlurrohman

On Saturday I with my four friends went to Curug Cilengkrang were using a bicycle, I left around 7 in the morning and we gathered in Cibiru to go together through Curug. On the way we stopped briefly for breakfast. After having breakfast, we continued our journey and we arrived at Curug Cilengkrang around 9 o'clock because we left on bicycles and we stopped a lot to rest. We, over there, could see the city of Bandung beautifully and could play water in the waterfall.



BY Bagas Pamungkas

I was a member of Sisingaan in my Junior High School. One day we got the opportunity to show in the GSMS ( Gerakan Seniman Masuk Sekolah ) event at Arcamanik Youth Center. When we got there, how suprised I was to see at that time that so many people were around there. Before the event started, we worked together to prepare various kinds of property that would be used when showing the performance. We performed inside in Arcamanik Youth Center building, we exhibited the first for the opening  event. We performed optimally so that after we had showed, all the audience gave us applause happily because they were amazed by our appearance. It was one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life.



By Saddam Fachri Alfarezi


Last year was the best experience I’ve ever got. I was the first winner of singing competition. I loved singing since I was a kid. I practiced so hard before I the D-day. My parents were really supported my talent. They always helped me to practice and prepared healthy food for me. They also gave me motivation to believe in myself. That was why when winning singing competition was meant so much to me.


X- B Software Engineering Class


I Was Almost Lost

By Mita Agustina

This incident happened when I was 8 years old. My family and I went to Taman Mini Indonesia in Jakarta. It was quite stressful because I almost got lost  there. My mom and sister went to buy toy train tickets. I was told to wait at the playground not far from the tickets shop. But I thought my mom was waited on the playground bench. I went to bench but it was not my mom. I was looked for my mom but could not find it, I thought my mom left me. I cried, the only way is to find my bus, because I went with my tutor group. But I divided to play with my mom and sister. Finally I found my mother and sister. This could be a lesson for all, not to leave small children alone and to be more careful.


    School’s Holiday

          By Rahma Ayu Fadillah

My experience before the pandemic; while on school holiday I just spent time with my sister and my friends. My sister and I spent our time for going to cinema watching “Annabelle”, we went to the mall from 8pm until midnight. Because the movie started at 10pm, we went shopping and had dinner. We're having so much fun because my sister was usually busy after having watched the movie. We were going home through the mall would be closed soon.

     The next day I had an appointment with my friend at 11am but I was late after watching there. Then my friend and I just spent time like going to timezone and had some lunch together.



Late For School

By Nabila Ramadhani

When I was in 9th grade junior high school, I was late for school, because my school entry time was a little different from the others, namely 06.15 am. Here usually students who are late in entering are not allowed to enter until the second lesson period or until the picket officer allows students to enter and student points will be deducted. At that time I was very scared because the first lesson in my class there was a math test, all had to follow the test, on the way I realized there wouldn't be enough time to get to school on time and it was true when I got to school I was 10 minutes late there were lots of people It was not just me too late, and at that time I met 1 of my classmates to help me enter by asking the picket teacher for permission. but there I said I couldn't because it was my fault that I had broken this rule. but he insisted on taking me to the teacher and it turned out that the picket teacher was a teacher who was very close to me he knew I was never late so I was allowed to enter on the condition that I had to promise not to do that again.I am very grateful to my friend and my teacher at that time.







Senin, 22 Februari 2021


 22st February  2021

                                           EYELID CAN’T BLINK A WHILE

        Full relaxing from gadget and computer on Saturday and Sunday was not working out for the real relaxing for my body, especially my brain and all muscles. Why? All dreams to finish my work  such giving assessment, planning for the new classes and making some midterm questions become my priority to do.

          Those were like buzzies bees in my brain when I dropped for a while. So I took book and pen to write for doing them. Before extremely working out, you ought to know why I should drop using gadget and computer, oughtn’t to you? my eyelid nerve seemed harm to open. So I can’t see the alphabet well from chat in gadget and computer even a television. My eyes were out of tears and all views are foggyI always write a wrong alphabet to use it. So I asked my daughter to find why the eyelid became like this. She responded quickly that it was caused when the eyes were so tired to see too closed or long on gadget or computer or read in the dim light.  So my friends should keep healthy to read and use your gadget smartly


          The consequences are that I can do anything with my eye for a little while, can’t watch my drama on NET TV, Can’t find some knowledge for my planning book, can’t cook for my family. so many things I must stop two days. I hope my Eyes can be well-function anymore.

          Therefore my brain has a rebellion work to find what housekeeping job can be done without the eye’s concentration. In fact, it’s hard. Why? All things need using eye for seeing what the job is, what the thing’s repairing or not yet, what the other part of our body can do well or not. Need to see view and result of our doing.  Automatically, I am familiar with using my eyes for the things I shall see. Not using my heart to look at them. Then I stop forcing myself for doing anything two days out. I must be ikhlas to accept the condition. Enjoy it. I know all things smoothly later on.







Kamis, 18 Februari 2021


 19st February  2021


I’m so worried not to be able writing on 20th because my quota is getting critical right now. Some willings of international webinar on purpose shall be as a planner but the difficulty is that choice for struggling onto our life.

One of webinar speakers said “Don’t be afraid, you can open your online shop and get your own money”. At that time, I was interested in selling something. Actually, i didn’t know what is that on purpose.

I dream on selling some books, pen, pencil and so on such a stationary; or I perhaps can dream as a reseller of Hijab, gown, blouse and etcetera; I dream on selling some vegetables from the local farmer. All things is just on my mind. I don’t know should start from where. Frankly, I don’t have some money to run it. I still remember that one day My husband suggested “When you think about all dreamings would be coming true, you must have 100 million”.

In this circumstance, I always consider to save my money. But it was a little bit to save, it hasn’t been enough to count 1 million; I must use for anything improperly plan. Then I laugh at myself. My spirit for become entrepreneur is still flame onto my heart.

I would like to plan it better, perhaps what my husband said is incorrect respond for the mature entrepreneur. I would like to have more acknowledgement upon managing, promoting, selling, endorsing, hiring, and so on about that. The right things we can plan in easiest way may properly exaggerate to learn in business. Who knows future? I’m a teacher and also as an entrepreneur.

I really do have find my silling to sell something useful for other. I hope after I write here I can get so many job related to get some capital to open my online shop. Just hoping the best future for my daughter who needs a great computer to paint her animation on working purposely. GANBATE!!!  







Rabu, 17 Februari 2021


 18st February  2021



This day, I don’t have any idea to write before I got some obstacles to hold my students who had been against to be kindness for themselve first rather than to do the task.

There were so many obstacles through getting their lessons each day such as they got four material lessons and from there, teachers asked them to finish the task as fast as possible; sometime teachers didn’t give the explanation detail about what they should do and so many piling tasks which they should face each day, make them difficult to execute how to plan for themselve.

How do I work to see my students collaps just doing the piling task which the first time they were so happily and exciting. But factual, all happened without the plan so that they felt so heavy to burden the task which made some quota and other things to support the task.

Actually Not only one student had felt these burden tasks, teachers did too. Therefore I delivered with loving touch as their parent in school. A part of them understand what I mean, but the rest of them feels difficult to change the attitude in getting up late because they had a different situation and background to keep in touch the trouble at home.

I must get a spurut to find some solution through my students learning till graduate from Vocational High. Today I must be rush the time to finish some work and write as ususally as I plan before. When you have any suggestion to my problem through my students, don’t hasitate to give it your comment and thank you for all attention.







Senin, 15 Februari 2021



16st February  2021


This day is an hectic day but I like it so much. Why? I don’t know exactly. What I felt this morning is happy. I still remember that last week I had a lot of Webinars which had spent my pulse but they could make me enrich knowledge I expected.

Even though I was still reminding all materials I got, I was sure all of them had more benefit when I tried to apply in my class. There are knowledge which can do applicably easier in one class, but there is unsuitable strategy to do. So frankly, I must do to dig all capacities of my brain to match all situation in the class.

As what the speakers says all aspects what they give shall be analyzed for doing more specification through students need by considering the athmosphere of the class.

Sometime I did what speaker suggested about the lesson media which makes appropriated students can reach easier. The strategy is indeed to comprehend for accumulating with the combining all knowledge into good information for our students acknowledgement in the future.

More deeply I learn, more creative I can reach something and more obstacle to face. I must be confidently to break the rock stubborn into tough guy as the purpose of prospectus students. They shall know what they do is not wasting the time. They are climbing each step to be better. That’s what I’m thinking through my students after I remind all things in Webinars message from many instructors in each Universities or best school in Java.

One thing that I still got the spirit is that I would be a teacher who also becomes enterprenuer. How can be? I must know the way. But the first I must find out what I would like to sell as my product or should I become a reseller of everyone product? That’s I must be seriously to think about.









14st February  2021



          Ada beberapa teman guru yang menjabat sebagai walikelas di sekolah ternyata menjadi seorang negosiator top banget untuk membujuk anak yang hampir collaps tidak mau sekolah. Keluarganya adalah keluarga yang mampu secara financial, tetapi kurang dalam educative background sehingga ketika ibu wali kelas hadir; dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang justru mengganggu kehidupan mereka. Sekolah dianggapnya sebagai tempat dimana siswa disimpan dan diperbaiki akhlaknya sementara di rumah mereka tidak cukup support untuk mendukung kebutuhan siswa (anak) dalam membangun jiwa mereka. Pemikiran primitif anak itu akhirnya seperti ini, “saya harus bekerja agar tidak menyusahkan orang tua; orang yang sudah bekerja dia bebas bersikap dan berperilaku”  

          Dari penuturan beliau saat akan kenaikan kelas waktu itu seperti yang tersampaikan di atas, saya hanya bisa menggeleng-gelengkan kepala. Berat sekali beban si anak, tetapi ditangan sang wali kelas yang benar-benar perduli pada siswanya. Sang anak mulai percaya untuk belajar kembali. Keluarganya juga mulai terbuka untuk memberikan peluang pada anaknya berkembang dengan jiwa yang sehat.

          Ditilik dari jawaban sang walikelas; inti negosiasi yang dilakukan tidak lebih dari hal sederhana dan tidak membutuhkan kekhususan menurutnya. Dia hanya memiliki :

1.   Strategi komunikasi menghadapi orang tua dan siswa dengan pandangan masa depannya sendiri.

2.   Berkomunikasi seefektif mungkin tentang permasalahan yang muncul tanpa harus memunculkan masalah baru.

Pembicaraan prolog tidak terlalu panjang, inti permasalahan bisa dikenalkan dengan pertimbangan kejiwaan berbagai pihak.

3.   Mencoba mendengar keinginan orang tua, siswa dan  keinginan sekolah. Dengan mendengar semua keinginan, setidaknya walikelas melihat berbagai kemungkinan yang tepat untuk mencapai kesepakatan.  

4.   Sabar mengahdapi segala situasi yang terjadi.

5.   Kesepakatan yang dibuat menjadi sebuah perjanjian tertulis sesuai keinginan semua pihak.

Saya salut pada teman saya ini. Karena hasilnya cukup signifikan dalam perekbangan pembelajaran sang anaknya. Saya coba mengintip ini dari teman guru Bimbingan dan Konseling di sekolah. Perjuangan memang tidak mengkhianati kerja. Saya coba melakukan terus menerus. Benar memang hasilnya bisa dirasakan, hanya belum signifikan seperti ibu guru teman saya ini. Ada yang memang harus dikembangkan lagi dalam berkomunikasi intensif dan efektif agar tak terlihat agresif.

          Karena kecintaan saya pada siswa, saya akan terus belajar menjadi walikelas yang baik yang insyaallah dapat memecahkan karang komunikasi agar mampu berperan sebagai seorang negosiator yang baik.  









Minggu, 14 Februari 2021


 12st February  2021


Hari Kamis, Sendirian datang ke sekolah pukul 06.08. Siswa saya ingin datang dan mengambil uang tabungannya yang dia simpan di bendahara kelas. Rencananya dia akan membeli HP baru untuk pembelajaran karena selama ini dia mangkir belajar karena kesulitan dengan alat yang satu ini.  Saya sempat katakan padanya ”jangan menjadi kendala alat, mah. Yang penting semangat! Datang saja ke sekolah; gunakan alat yang ada”

     Sayang seribu kali sayang, PSBB diberlakukan kembali. WFH semua membuat dia pun tak mampu berkutik tanpa alat yang disebut HP. Saya malu telah mengatakan seperti di atas sekaligus nelangsa, tak mampu berbuat apapun kecuali membela anak-anak saya semampu saya ketika guru mempermasalahkan kehadiran dia di Online Class.

     Pagi ini, saya akan mengajar dua kelas; kelas X dan kelas XI. Saya yang sedang terserang sariawan di pangkal lidah berupaya untuk buka Google Meeting tapi sepertinya tidak akan mampu menahan perihnya jika harus banyak berbicara, jadi saya urungkan niat untuk buka Google meeting; baterai HP juga mulai berkurang dayanya. Stop contact untuk mengisi daya belum berfungsi karena kebetulan tombol on/off ada di sebuah ruangan yang masih terkunci oleh pemiliknya yang WFH. Jadilah Whatsapp sebagai media pembelajaran hari itu adalah pilihan yang paling tepat.

     Inginnya menulis tentang Negosiator di dalam kelas. Sayang, saya belum memenuhi informasi tentang ini lebih mendalam. Waktu menulispun terburu-buru sehingga ide yang terbetik di benak belum bisa tergambar dengan jelas.  Cabang pemikiran saya juga  mengarah pada informasi lain selain negosiator ini yaitu penggunaan media pembelajaran Podcast melalui Anchor from Gmail sepertinya yang kedua ini adalah hutang tulisan saya.  Hahaha.. insya allah. Sedikit demi sedikit pasti bisa dibayarkan tulisannya. Asalkan ada rezeki yang terus berputar. Semangat kasih sayangku pada tubuhku yang terkena sariawan tetapi tetap berkarya. 








 10st February  2021


Pembelajaran menyenangkan selalu didengungkan oleh begitu banyak nara sumber saat pandemi. Berbagai tip dan trik juga dipelajari oleh para guru. The power of Kepepet hari ke 10 ini, dengan penuh kasih sayang; saya datang ke sekolah untuk Work from Office karena harus mendownload materi tugas siswa seminggu ini.

          Saat itulah, saya baru mengetahui. Betapa cerdasnya anak-anak saya dalam menceritakan karya mereka yang saya tetapkan dalam materi-materi tertentu. Mereka sangat bersemangat sekali menceritakan pengalaman mereka. Salah satu dari mereka ada yang menceritakan bagaimana pengalaman dia mengikuti pelatihan dan membuat komunitas yang terus menggali informasi sambil tak lupa mengingatkan saya bahwa di begitu bahagia bersama dua teman lainnya berencana untuk mengembangkan IT yang dia dapat di sekolah kami.

          Senyum saya tak lepas dari wajah saya ketika mendengar dia menyampaikan pengalamannya pada saya. Meskipun lelah dari pulang dari sekolah jam 13.00 dan sampai di rumah sekitar pukul 16.00. chat nya masih belum berhenti. Ternyata chat nya yang mengasyikan itu; membuat saya yang sedang membaca urung untuk menyelesaikan bacaan dari chat lain. Alhamdulillah, satu orang telah merasakan manfaat yang luar biasa dari sebuah obrolan tentang masa depan dan keinginannya untuk menunjukkn pada orang yang menganggapnya gagal dirinya menjadi putik bunga yang akan merekah di sebuah musim semi. Pasti indah pada waktunya.

          Rasa sayang saya sebenarnya bukan hanya pada satu orang siswa. Hanya kebutuhan mereka yang berbeda terhadap kemampuan untuk menangkap sesuatu yang salah menjadi sesuatu yang membuat mereka makin terpuruk dan menganggap diri mereka bukan orang yang diharapkan.

          Rasa sayang seorang guru belum bisa menyamai rasa sayangnya orang tua sebenarnya ketika tiap menit melihat perkembangan sang anak. Meskipun sang buah hati menutupi kelemahan yang dimilikinya, di dasar hati orangtua mengetahuinya dan memaklumi dalam batas wajar. Sementara guru menyayangi dibatasi oleh ruang dan waktu. Jika ada guru yang rasa sayangnya melebihi orang tua, sudah barang tentu, guru itu perlu berbagi ilmu pada guru lainnya. Kesulitan utama dari seorang guru adalah dia bukan hanya sekedar sebagai seorang pentransfer ilmu yang piawai tetapi dia juga berperan sebagai negosiator yang handal.  

          Negosiator handal ini yang memberatkan. Perlu banyak ilmu komunikasi dan ilmu psikologi untuk berperan sebagai negosiator di ruang kelas. Bagaimana caranya? Sepertinya saya harus berburu ilmu dahulu dari gur-guru lain. Kita bahas di pertemuan berikutnya ya. Cao,..









Selasa, 09 Februari 2021



8st February  2021 



When the rain fell down hard at my district on Saturday, 7 February 2021, I was getting sprue in my throat. Alhamdulillah, Allah still gave me strengthening my body and soul for being life. Allah gave me this kind of disease because Allah loves me much for being a patient one of other time so that I can realized what one who got sprue is later on.

     Frankly I just wanna tell what I could take from Mr. Munif Chottib, M.Pd. who delivered through many teachers in Webinar yesterday. Mr Munif Chottib explained about “Rahasia Belajar Menyenangkan Era Pjj”; he said that there was a secret to make everyone happy after doing PJJ his version should need  three part of brain systems, among others :

1. Limbic system: it’s connected with emotional quotient in which develops  learning activities where the brain is sharpened directly through emotional part of human kinds.

2. Neocortex system: It’s a part of brain which relates in critical thinking which is deeply to enhance through the life problem.

3. Reptilian system : It’s connected with human soul atmosphere which makes excited learning condition holistically.

While there are four items to fulfill one's need in online lesson : 1). Joyful, 2). Apperception, 3). Student's center learning, 4). documentation. Automatically all items are asserted in so many activities such: coloring, images, ice breaking, scene setting, motivation, engagement, doing it, feedback, recording or publication.

       The ability to gain information from others is by satisfying reptilian brain upon human kind. It can be met when someone feels amusement.  In education part system, it appears after teacher has given  a joke, simple story, playing a game, watching a motivation video, stand up comedy only for 4-5 minutes. Therefore we need to learn more detail how to make students happy to accept the core information which teacher will deliver out. 

        He also illustrated that teachers could be engaging before turning into the concern material what we would like to be learnt by giving a little bit smiling up emoticon from students. Let them learn deeply about them self  while teacher intended to be a facilitator to make them creative for drawing their dreaming. He can motivate all teachers to excite by answering a simple word he gave and it testified what he told usefully to apply in the class. 

Everybody can take it in his brain about the strategies which is as the compulsory for being deeply learnt are:

1.     Parody strategy which has a goal as reminding. By changing the lesson which has accepted becomes a song. The lyric depends on student’s creativity. It can be done in all levels.

2.     Mind Mapping is still for reminding. Conceptual lesson which is understood over some pictures as suitably as processing information in brain system. There is using key word  or iconic word and it can also do by all levels.

3.     Presentation Vlog has a goal for comprehending something. Students can apply everything they know by using presentation and teacher can record as a video. It can presentate directly or by using media; it can be used by all levels too.

4.     Feedback. When giving cognitive task with feedback and asking the core material which is setting up or asking about un-grasping part of those core, giving a hand to stepping for more checking out their understanding is the way to develop student knowledge. Even Though it takes little longer time to correction, the effort will satisfy students.

As a teacher, everyone usually can do it each day what Mr. Munif Chattib, M.Pd. suggests, but sometime he can literate it so that he forget to apply continuously. The suggestion above is to care Mr. Munif Chattib to all teachers in order to do well for educating student in the class.









Kamis, 04 Februari 2021



6st February  2021 



Pagi sepulang dari Work From Office sekitar jam 15.00 an kemarin. Beres-beres rumah masih belum selesai. Saya dibantu anak membersihkan halaman depan rumah. Rumah sebelumnya, kita memiliki pohon belimbing wuluh dan buah belimbing. Semua punya khasiatnya masing-masing.

Rumah yang saya tempati sekarang, juga memiliki pohon buah yang tidak asing bagi penderita asam urat, yaitu Sirsak. Setelah selesai membersihkan teras depan yang banyak daun-daun sirsak berserakan. Saya masuk ke dalam rumah belum lagi sampai ke dekat pinta tiba-tiba terdengar “kreeek Blukkk!”

Jelas dong, saya kembali menengok ke teras hari itu, memang hujan angin di wilayah saya cukup besar. Semua berputar dan melambai cukup keras. Ternyata buah yang disebut oleh orang Betawi sebagai Nangka Landa karena daging buahnya putih sementara nangka berwarna kuning keemasan. Kulitnya berduri jarang-jarang, sedangkan Nangka duri-duri pada kulit terlihat rapat.

Langsung saya ambil karena Sirsak ini matang dari pohonnya. Saya cuci dan masukkan ke dalam lemari pendingin. Akan segar jika dibuat jus sirsak untuk buka puasa. Godaan luar biasa ketika kita berpuasa. Alhamdulillah saya bisa bersabar kemarin untuk menikmati jus sirsak di waktu berbuka.

Sayang seribu sayang, saya terlupa memakan jus yang sore itu sudah saya siapkan untuk diminum pada saat buka puasa. Memang belum rezeki.

Pagi ini, sesuai dengan tema The power of Kepepet, saya searching artikel yang berkaitan dengan sirsak dan orang yang menderita asam urat dan ibu hamil.

Gizi yang terkandung di dalam daging sirsak antara lain karbohidrat (fruktosa), kalori, protein, lemak, serat, vitamin, B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 dan vitamin C. selain vitamin yang disebutkan sebelumnya, ternyata sirsak juga mengandung asam folat yang baik bagi janin (ibu hamil), riboflavin, asam pantotenat (diketahui bermanfaat sebagai koenzim A (CoA) yang berperan vital dalam banyak metabolisme pelepasan energi; sifatnya larut dalam air) , niacin dan thiamin.

Sementara untuk penderita Asam Urat, daun maupun buah sirsak dapat menurunkan kadar asam urat. Caranya mudah hanya dengan membuat jus sirsak tanpa gula. Vitamin yang terkandung di dalam buah sirsak selain yang diatas yaitu sebagai penghambat pembentukan asam urat dengan produksi enzim xantin oksidase yang terdapat dalam vitamin c sirsak (mengandung zat antioksidan tinggi); Jika daun sirsak yang ingin dipakai yaitu dengan menyeduhnya seperti membuat teh. Caranya 10 lembar daun sirsak direbus dalam 3 gelas air mendidih. Diamkan sampai dingin. Diminum setiap pagi sampai habis.

Alhamdulillah pindah membawa berkah. Semoga memberikan kasih sayang pada orang-orang yang menderita asam urat tinggi dan juga ibu-ibu hamil.






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