23st February 2021
Literature Works are important pile for student's motivation upon
what they learn. The appreciation through what they did is a piece of willing to
make them as human being who enjoys each time of their life.
Teacher usually has many efforts to enhance student’s soul for a
life. Some other way, teacher can find the trick to convey true problematical
devices which influence onto his/her student life in the future.
But in contrary fact, a part of students suggest that teacher has
ever thought he/she makes difficulty to do as a student. To see and understand
the little bit effort in order that they feel hard to survive is a treatment
for brainstorming them in positive impact. Later on they must know what the
function is they make a story in many social media they know.
Therefore these are my student works which make me proud of. They have
showed me their effort to chain piece by piece of words to enhance their
ability for their health brain.
X – A Software Engineering
Delviano Bayu Aprilians
That morning, I was
watering flowers in the garden beside the house. In the park, many butterflies
flew. Seeing this, I wondered if I had a beautiful pair of wings. So that, I
would look like a fairy on television, and be able to fly here and there as I
wish without feeling afraid of falling down.
Mochammad Irfan Fadhlurrohman
Saturday I with my four friends went to Curug Cilengkrang were using a bicycle,
I left around 7 in the morning and we gathered in Cibiru to go together through
Curug. On the way we stopped briefly for breakfast. After having breakfast, we
continued our journey and we arrived at Curug Cilengkrang around 9 o'clock
because we left on bicycles and we stopped a lot to rest. We, over there, could
see the city of Bandung beautifully and could play water in the waterfall.
BY Bagas Pamungkas
was a member of Sisingaan in my Junior High School. One day we got the
opportunity to show in the GSMS ( Gerakan Seniman Masuk Sekolah ) event at
Arcamanik Youth Center. When we got there, how suprised I was to see at that
time that so many people were around there. Before the event started, we worked
together to prepare various kinds of property that would be used when showing
the performance. We performed inside in Arcamanik Youth Center building, we
exhibited the first for the opening
event. We performed optimally so that after we had showed, all the
audience gave us applause happily because they were amazed by our appearance.
It was one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life.
By Saddam Fachri
year was the best experience I’ve ever got. I was the first winner of singing
competition. I loved singing since I was a kid. I practiced so hard before I
the D-day. My parents were really supported my talent. They always helped me to
practice and prepared healthy food for me. They also gave me motivation to
believe in myself. That was why when winning singing competition was meant so
much to me.
X- B Software Engineering
I Was Almost Lost
By Mita Agustina
incident happened when I was 8 years old. My family and I went to Taman Mini
Indonesia in Jakarta. It was quite stressful because I almost got lost there. My mom and sister went to buy toy train
tickets. I was told to wait at the playground not far from the tickets shop.
But I thought my mom was waited on the playground bench. I went to bench but it
was not my mom. I was looked for my mom but could not find it, I thought my mom
left me. I cried, the only way is to find my bus, because I went with my tutor
group. But I divided to play with my mom and sister. Finally I found my mother
and sister. This could be a lesson for all, not to leave small children alone
and to be more careful.
By Rahma Ayu Fadillah
experience before the pandemic; while on school holiday I just spent time with my
sister and my friends. My sister and I spent our time for going to cinema
watching “Annabelle”, we went to the mall from 8pm until midnight. Because the
movie started at 10pm, we went shopping and had dinner. We're having so much
fun because my sister was usually busy after having watched the movie. We were going
home through the mall would be closed soon.
The next day
I had an appointment with my friend at 11am but I was late after watching
there. Then my friend and I just spent time like going to timezone and had some
lunch together.
Late For School
By Nabila Ramadhani
When I was in 9th
grade junior high school, I was late for school, because my school entry time
was a little different from the others, namely 06.15 am. Here usually students
who are late in entering are not allowed to enter until the second lesson
period or until the picket officer allows students to enter and student points
will be deducted. At that time I was very scared because the first lesson in my
class there was a math test, all had to follow the test, on the way I realized
there wouldn't be enough time to get to school on time and it was true when I
got to school I was 10 minutes late there were lots of people It was not just
me too late, and at that time I met 1 of my classmates to help me enter by
asking the picket teacher for permission. but there I said I couldn't because
it was my fault that I had broken this rule. but he insisted on taking me to
the teacher and it turned out that the picket teacher was a teacher who was
very close to me he knew I was never late so I was allowed to enter on the
condition that I had to promise not to do that again.I am very grateful to my
friend and my teacher at that time.
BalasHapusThank You Mr Supadilah.
BalasHapusYe, I agree with the point social medi in young generation nowdays.
BalasHapusBravo.. with this text..i can learn English language
BalasHapusMarvelous. Luar biasa mantabb